Thursday, December 3, 2009

Can You Name Some Funny Jokes It Dont Matter What Kinda Of Jokes They Just Have To Be Good Ones?!?

if u can plz say a joke that has not been heard alot and is really funny and who ever has the funniest joke will win the 10 points! the joke can be about anything blondes,red heads,blacks,whites,rednecks,or any other jokes...etc!! thank you very much and this is serious!!

Can You Name Some Funny Jokes It Dont Matter What Kinda Of Jokes They Just Have To Be Good Ones?!?-Myspace pictures

Three guys, a white guy, black guy and a polock, stranded on an island 50 miles from shore after their boat sunk. They are there for about a week when the white guy says "I have had enough im going to try and swim" he gets about 20 miles gets tired and drowns. The black guy then tries to swim back to the main land. He gets 35 miles, gets tired and drowns. The polock is sitting there bored... and he finally decides to try and swim to shore... He gets 49 miles! He sees the beach of the shore just in front of him... but he thinks to himself... its just tooo far, there is no way I can make it... so he turns around and swims back to the island.

What do you call a school bus full of white kids? A twinky

What do you call a white guy pushing a car up a hill?

White Power

What do you call a black guy pushing a car up a hill?

Black Power

What do you call a mexican pushing a car up a hill?

Grand Theft

There is a black guy and a mexican in a car..... Whos driving?

The COP!

How do you blindfold a chinaman?

Use Dental Floss

Johnny comes in from shooting his BB gun and sets the BB's on top of the stove... They fall into the soup his mom is making... At dinner the family eats the soup and goes to bed. The next afternoon the father gets home and says to his wife.... "Honey, the funniest thing happened to me... I pissed BB's today.." The wife says to her husband. "Thats odd I also pissed BB's today". A little later little Suzzie comes in and she says to her mom "I think there is something wrong with me... I just pee'ed BB's" Just then Johnny comes running in yelling ... "DAD...DAD" Johnnys dad says "What is it son... are you also pissing BB's?" Johnny says ... "NO NO I was jerking off and I killed the cat!"

What do you get when you cross a mexican and a polock? Someone who spray paints chain link fence

Three nuns die and go to heaven. At the gates St Peter says "To get into heaven you each have to answer a question." The nuns got very nervouse thinking that the questions will be extreamly hard. St Peter says to the first nun "Who was the first man on earth?" The nun says "Thats easy, it was Adam" , St Peters says "Go into heaven". St Peter says to the other nun.."Who was the first woman on earth?" The second nun says "Ahhh thats so easy, it was Eve?" "You may go into heaven" St Peter says. He then looks at the third nun who is thinking the questions are going to be easy now. He asks her "What was the first thing that Eve said to Adam....?" The nun looked puzzled... and murmered..."Thats a hard one...." St Peter then said "Thats correct you can go into heaven."

What crawls around and bumps into walls? A baby with forks in its eyes.

Whats the differance between a lawyer and a skunk? A skunk has skid marks infront of it.

A man breaks into a dark house. As he is robbing it he hears a voice yell out..."Jesus is watching you" The man stops and waits a minute... doesnt hear or so see anything else so he keeps robbing...again the voice says "Jesus is watching you"... The robber turns on his flash light and shines it around the room and he spots a bird cage in the corner with a parot. He walks up to the cage and says to the bird..."Is that you making all that noise?" "Yep" says the bird. The robber says "And whats your name?" "My name is Moses" replies the bird. "MOSES! What kind of stupid people name their bird MOSES!" says the robber. "The same stupid people who name their rottweiler Jesus!" replies the bird.

And my hand hurts so im stopping :)

Can You Name Some Funny Jokes It Dont Matter What Kinda Of Jokes They Just Have To Be Good Ones?!?

-(Myspace images

I like this one... I don't like being hard on guys but I thought that it was funny:

Why do men have a useless body?

Because they have nipples that don't give milk, a "birdie" that does not sing and a pair of balls that do not bounce...

I hope it's not too rude for you!
Before I say this...I am not a racist or anything else, I just though the joke was funny....I actually heard this from an Asian.

What do you call a mentally challenged Asian boy?

Sum Ting Wong.
what do you tell a girl with two black eyes?

nothing you already told her twice.

what do you tell a girl with one black eye?

nothing she heard you the first time.

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