Sunday, December 6, 2009

Any jokes??

can you tell me some jokes??.....its been a long time since i've heard a funny can be any kind of joke....

Any jokes??-Myspace pictures

a genie grants a blonde, brown, and red head... they are on a desert with nothing and the blonde and red head and the brwon head are friends. Brown says go back to my home village. Red says i wish i could go back to my hme land.... the blonde wishes she could have her friends back! lol.. hope this helps

Any jokes??

-(Myspace images

So this piece of string goes into a bar.

The bartender says, "Get out of here, we don't serve strings here."

So the string goes outside and ties himself in a loop and goes back in.

The barternder says, "Hey aren't you that string that I just kicked out of here?"

The string replies, "Frayed not."
there is santa claus, the toothfairy, a smart blond, and a dumb blonde walkin together and there iz a hundred dollar bill on the floor. who picks it up?

the dumb blond cuz there iz no such thing as santa, the toothfairy, or a SMART BLONDE
Q:what do you do when a blonde throws a grenade at you?

A:pull the pin and throw it back!

Just a good little Dumb Blonde joke! :P
a lil bloke is sitttin at the bar alone and dis big bloke keeps teasin him and after 10mins or so the big bloke waked the lil bloke over the arm and sed dats a judo chop from japan and the lil bloke carried on drinkin and 10 mins later he did the same again on his leg and sed thats a samariua chop from china . the lil bloke got up and sed ive had enough and walked out . 10 mins later the big bloke was sittin at the bar and the lil bloke hit him over the hed and it knocked hm out and sed to the barman when he wakes up tell him thats a crowbar from B%26amp;Q

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