Sunday, December 6, 2009

Is it wrong to laugh at religous jokes?

I'm Christian, and these jokes being posted are really funny to me. Is that wrong? The jokes have been mostly light hearted fun, now I don't like the jokes that insult Jesus or God...but none that I've seen on here have done that.

My questions are to other Believers.

1) Don't you think it is important to be able to have a sense of humor about some of these things?

2) Do you laugh at these jokes? Or do you think it is wrong of me to laugh and enjoy these jokes?

3) Would it be differnet if a priest told one of these jokes in church, would it then be ok to laugh at them? (Yes I know some aren't appropiate for church, but some are)

Is it wrong to laugh at religous jokes?-Myspace pictures

1) Yes it is important to have a sense of humor. I love a good God joke.

2) All the time and no it is not wrong to laugh at a joke

3) Our preacher tells em all them time.

We are supposed to have fun. Being Christian was never meant to be dull and boring. Some people have made it that way.

Is it wrong to laugh at religous jokes?

-(Myspace images

Depends on the God you worship.

Is he cruel? Does he have a sense of humor?

Its all in the impression you have of your God.
I laugh because not only is it funny but also because God is lame, and I like it when people can just have a good sense of humor about it.
There can never be limits on Comedy.

It's ok to make fun of everything, or it's not ok to make fun of anything. No matter what you believe.
It is actually wrong to take religion seriously...
Yes it is wrong. Joke are OK as long as one doesn't not make fun, or humiliate followers of a particular religion.
If you can't laugh at yourself... who WILL laugh at you?
Course its not. If God exists in the form you think he does then I am sure he has a sense of humour and is not the boring, humourless jerk that the Christian church makes him out to be. Unfortunately, the priests and congregation base make him out to be a version of themselves.
Best religious jokes I hear are all told by priests, though NOT during mass.

Here's one of MY favs.

Sister Elizabeth, after a long life spent in the service of Christ, dies and goes to heaven. St. Peter meets her at the Gates, throws them wide and says, "Ahhh sister. Welcome, welcome, welcome. There's just one rule here. Be joyful. In Heaven it is God's pleasure to grant your every wish as soon as you express it. So, to get you started off right, right off the top of your head, what's your dearest wish?"

Sister responded, "Well, St. Peter, as you know, all my life I've had a particular devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. And every day I have knelt before her statue and prayed, asking for her guidance, for her prayers to God on my behalf and for my sisters in the order. Dear St. Peter, it would be my dearest wish to kneel before her in person and talk to her directly. Would that be possible?"

And St. Peter said, "Dear sister, no sooner said than done." And he clapped his hands. There was a roll of thunder a blinding flash and POOF! there was the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Sister Elizabeth fell to her kness and prayed furiously. And when she was done, she dared to look up at the Virgin. She spoke, "Blessed Mary, ever virgin. May I ask you a personal question?"

And Mary nodded.

Sister Elizabeth spoke in tones of deepest reverence, "Dear Mary, would you please tell me how it feels to be the Mother of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?"

The Virgin smiled and said, "Vell, it's all verry nice and good, but what I really wanted was a goil!"
To laugh is good so jokes, religious, irreverent, politically incorrect and the like are just that, jokes which were designed to make us laugh groan or ??? Laugh away! I know a priest who sent out terrible yet funny jokes that poked fun at the church he was pastor of! He said if God didn't have a sense of humor, then he would never have made man! Go figure.
I dont mind laughing at my self or my situation. Blond jokes, religious jokes, etc are funny

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