Sunday, December 6, 2009

Fart & Toilet Jokes - are they that funny?

Friends, my boyfriend and some of my family are highly amused by fart and toilet jokes. However, I don't find them funny. Whenever they fart or if there is talk of poos etc. . they think it's hysterical but I just dont see the humour in these everyday bodily functions. Some of them are also slightly obsessed with their bowel functions (I don't get that either). I'm not trying to be "stuck up" (something I've been accused of for not seeing the humour in these things) or anything but I am starting to think there is something wrong with me because everyone thinks they are SO FUNNY. Yet there are things that I find very funny that they dont see the humour in. . . . Do a majority of people find toilet and fart jokes funny? I did when I was little, but not really now I'm grown up (35). . it's all just boring to me.. It's hurtful when people put me down for not laughing at these jokes because I consider myself to have a good sense of humour. :( :)

Fart %26amp; Toilet Jokes - are they that funny?-Myspace pictures

There is a big difference between a good sense of humor and a broad sense of humor. Taste in jokes is up to the individual. Don't let them get to you. (Phhiiiptptpt) Oops, I farted. Sorry.

Fart %26amp; Toilet Jokes - are they that funny?

-(Myspace images

Yes, Yes they are. I don't know why, but they are.
i dont think its good that people make you feel bad for not laughing at those kinds of jokes! everyone has their own sense of humor, everyone finds different kinds of things funny! thats what makes the world go 'round! same with attraction-- different people find different looks and styles attractive. if everyone was the same, it would be boring!! personally, i find the fart jokes funny, but i know a lot of people that dont. so i just dont tell them around those people. your boyfriend and family and everything should be respectful of your styles and not make fun of you. im sure there are things YOU find funny that they dont, and you dont make them feel bad.
no not at all.
some members of my family are the same way- the adults, not just small children. i think its seriously obnoxious and i don't get it either!!
Yea , He who smelt it dealt it
they're about the best humor there is!
pee pee poo poo butt
lady, there is nothing wrong with you. leave him, you deserve better.
No, they are not. Well maybe when you are a 15 year old boy. But past that, there are more interesting and funny things to do and talk about.
I don't believe you are 35. YES!!! There are funny!!!
Farting is's 5hit without the mess!!!
I find them amusing, but some don't. You will just have to get used to it when you are at his parents!
I've never seen the humor in it myself.
if there is one kind of joke that cuts across all cultural and personal lines, it is the fart joke. the first joke ever was most likely a fart joke. farts are funny. even benjamin franklin loved a good fart joke.
As bad as the world is today drugs, crime,government greed and corruption a fart joke might just be the answer. One thing that you might want to do is change the subject of the joke maybe to a blonde joke or a political joke. You know some people think that their bowel movements, or their irregularity might be funny because commercials target this group of people, just look at that toilet paper commercial about the bears that crap in the woods joke.
I'm 33 and I still think it's funny, but around the right crowd. That being people you are comfortable with and vice versa. People you know and vice versa. It's a part of life and some people want to pretend like it doesn't exist and it does.

Maybe if we all learned to laugh a little more at life and ourselves we wouldn't get so mixed up in the complexities of life and allow the PC crowd to keep us in a stranglehold of seriousness all the time.

So relax and be yourself. Be with people that do get you and discard the rest. Lifes too short, so make fun of it and surround yourself with people who get you and vice versa and make you feel good about yourself.
Well, you shouldn't feel bad for growing up before them. You are just very mature and they aren't.
yes they are that funny
No, everyone has a different way of looking at things. I don't understand the fart jokes either and I think that they are extremely obnoxious. I agree with you and I am letting you know: If that is who you are, then go for it! I also think that if your relationship is real with your boyfriend, he would understand and not make you feel bad about to him, he could help you come over this better than anyone else...maybe he can stop telling as much, and not laughing that much, or changing the subject. GOOD LUCH!
No, they're not. They're boorish and childish.

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