Thursday, December 3, 2009

Are jokes really a reflection of how a person feels.?

Sometimes this guy makes rude and sexual jokes about me. He even joked about tying me up and raping me. Are these jokes a reflection of what he's really thinking and should I be worried.

Are jokes really a reflection of how a person feels.?-Myspace pictures

I agree with the fact that you need to be cautious around this guy. It would seem he's been thinking about this--fantasy or not.

Are jokes really a reflection of how a person feels.?

-(Myspace images

It's possible that it is how he really feels. Document all of this stuff just in case something should happen.
i think that i would be careful around that guy. he has some serious issues! Probably tryin to see what kind of reaction he can get out of you! Let him know how u feel about that!
Even if he's only joking...that is NOT funny. He needs to quit, NOW. The thing is...if he were a normal human being...just trying to be funny, he'd know it wasn't funny. Obviously he at the very least...has serious social skills issues, and at most...he's contemplating what his next move will be. Keep him at a distance and tell people about this. Document everything he says and tell him under no uncertain terms...that you don't appreciate it and that he needs to cut the crap!
Whoa, this guy's a sociopath! I'd steer clear from him, before your pet goes missing or worse... Seriously, I'd bring up a concern to my boss or teacher... A friendly and anonymous concern.
Jokes aren't always a reflection of how somebody really feels, but under the circumstances you mentioned, YES - you should be very worried, and avoid him at all costs. Good luck, hon.
No that is not a joke. He is getting his kicks by saying offensive things to you. It is funny to him and him alone. What a pervert, yuck!
I think you should be cautious. VERY cautious....
2 pts
People use humor for lots of reasons but mainly to humor has the ability to make people REACT. Positively or negatively. In this case it's not just negative it's downright disturbing.

First, make it clear that you don't find it funny. If he persists then it is harassment. If he still persists you may report it as a threat to your safety. Go with your gut.

What ever you choose to do don't feel like you have to listen or laugh at his jokes- no encouragement.

Good luck.
That guy is a danger to you and others. He went WAY over the line. Like the others said, document his actions. Also, tell a friend who sees you on a regular basis.
it could be and then again he could just be an *** either way REPORT HIS PUNK A**. don't put up with peeps like him or he might end up doing something horrible maybe not you but someone else.
I feel that it is not a joke when it comes to something sexual that makes you feel uncomfortable. These kinds of things often lead to harassment.
U should stay in alert if he think it funny try to avoid him find a good kind guy unlike him!
Based on the information you gave, there are a couple of plans of action. 1) If this guy is your boyfriend or significant other, then probably not. 2) He is an associate then tell him to stop because it bothers you. If that is his way of hitting on you then he needs new material because his joke is not funny.
Tell him : "that offends me" and you will know. Say that in a safe place. You won't have to quess anymore.
jokes like those i wouldn't take lightly. i would be cautious around him and ask him to stop making those kind of jokes. he sounds scary. i have a friend who says stuff and depending on the individuals response he will say he was joking or continue to be serious. if the response is one he likes he'll continue but if he doesn't like the response he'll say that he's joking. do not encourage this fellow. he may be trouble.
I kind of think jokes are a reflection of how people really feel in certain situations. Hopefully your situation is a joke because if not that guy must be a flaming loonatic. Always be on point around him just in case, you never know but I think it might really be a joke but to say something like that to someone shouldnt even be said as a joke.
if u really want to know if jokes are a reflection of ppls thots,u shd watch friends ,watch chandler closely and luck.

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