Thursday, December 3, 2009

Does anyone know any blond jokes that make the blond look good in the end? aka, an 'Anti-Blond

Best answer goes to the best joke! I need a joke to counter all the blond jokes I've heard over the years! Jokes may include reference to brunettes and redheads, if necessary!

Does anyone know any blond jokes that make the blond look good in the end? aka, an 'Anti-Blond joke'?-Myspace pictures

A blonde woman and a lawyer are seated next each other on a plane going to Hawaii. The lawyer decides to ask the blonde if she would like to play a game to amuse themselves for the long flight.

Lawyer: Would you like to play a game? I'll ask you some question and if you get it wrong, I will pay you $5, and you can ask me a question and if I get it wrong, I will pay you $5.

Blonde: No thank you, I just want to rest.

Lawyer: I'll make it more interesting, If you get it wrong, you still pay $5, but if I get it wrong I will give you $500.

The blond then agrees to play and then the battle begins by the lawyer asking her how many stars are in the sky? The blonde thinks for 5 minutes and then digs into her purse and then hands it to the lawyer. It is now the blonde's turn to ask and she says,

"What has three legs and flies?" The blonde then goes back to rest while the lawyer tries to figure it out.

The lawyer things for a second and then gets on his phone and calls everyone for the answer, He then hooks up the computer to the plane and checks the internet. Finally, after an hour,

"Here is your $500, I can't figure out the answer. The blonde takes the money and then puts her head back down to sleep.

Lawyer: Excuse me, but I would like to know the answer to the question that you asked. What is the answer?"

The blonde then reaches into her purse and hands the $5 bill to the lawyer and then goes back to sleep.

Does anyone know any blond jokes that make the blond look good in the end? aka, an 'Anti-Blond joke'?

-(Myspace images

why are all Blonde jokes one liners?

so Men can remember them
lol Goooood luck with that!
Ok, you know how some guys, once they get started go on and on with one blond joke after another?

Here's what you do:

Every time he makes a joke laugh and act like its the funniest thing you've ever heard. Let him tell a BUNCH and get the whole crowd laughing, then you say.. 'Wait, wait wait,I got one!" and of course he'll be all ready and happy you jumped on his bandwagon and say

"Why are blond jokes so short?"

Answer: So men can remember them.

Watch what happens.. its really funny.. LOL I did this on a NYC subway once and ended up making a bunch of friends.. LOL
Do you know why there are so many blondes jokes out there; what else does a Burnett have to do on a Saturday night?
Why can't a blonde (insert anything) ?

Because she can always get a man to do it.

How does a blonde see a brunette?

As a coat hook

If Gentlemen prefer Blondes who likes redheads and Brunettes?

Dating Services!
There are none, just learn to live with it -- I have.
What's black and blue and lying in a ditch?

Redhead who has told one too many dumb blonde jokes.

Why do brunettes spend their weekends telling blonde jokes?

Because the blondes are out with their boyfriends.

Why do some men prefer brunettes or red-heads?

Because the blondes won't date them.

Do you know why brunette women are so proud of their hair? matches their mustache.

What does a redhead miss the most at a party ?

The Invitation !

how did you like them???? being a blonde, I LOVED THEM!!!!!
why r brunettes and redheads afraid of blondes??

cause blondes have the men

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