Thursday, December 3, 2009

Do we need jokes and riddles on Seniors?

I like to go on to Seniors to read and answer some interesting questions. I think I am going to read something interesting and all I get is a joke! I am not being a grumpy old bag but if I wanted jokes and riddles....Yes you've guessed it,I would go onto jokes and riddles.

Sorry to all of you who have put Jokes on here, I know they are very funny but can we have some proper questions?

Do we need jokes and riddles on Seniors?-Myspace pictures

this question is 3 days old, and yet it is still on the 5th page.

out of those 5 pages many of them are jokes, but most of them are "do you remember" questions.

there are some serious question on this section, but they are few and far between.

I came to this section looking for answers that were relevant to my age group.

only to find it full of "do you remember" questions.

like you I would love to see more relevant questions.

but I also like to make people smile, and if I can brighten another seniors day, then can that be so bad?

I do ask some questions to shake thing up a bit.

but I do have trouble thinking of a lot of them, and I am sure that others would also enjoy them also.

if you can think of some, or have some questions that you would like to see answers to, then please post them%26lt; I would love to see them, and am sure others would also.

Do we need jokes and riddles on Seniors?

-(Myspace images

I think it's a lovely place to share jokes. And you really are grumpy%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; looks sideways and nods to self

Mind you Suzi I could still sort your back out. :)
LOL, i'm not going to track you down and beat you up. But i love reading the jokes and riddles, they ARE funny, but u no u don't have 2 read them, there are questions that I don't want people to ask, like home work questions.
Our group is well seasoned with jokes %26amp; many other interesting topics as well. I don't mind the jokes here, because laughter is the best medicine, especially when we're having a down day. A good laugh first thing in the morning goes well with my morning coffee %26amp; toast. :)
Sorry about your bad back Susie and I hope I don't hurt it more but.......

When you go to answer the question and see it is a joke you could hit the back button and move on. I mean that in the kindest way.

It is usually the same people who tell the jokes so you could also avoid their questions.

I happen to like them and it saves me the trouble of going to jokes and riddles whose most jokes I don't like.The people in Seniors have pretty much ones I haven't heard and are truly funny and intelligent.

Sorry you don't like them but sometimes a good laugh is just great!!
Sometimes we all need a good laugh.
Let`s face it Susie Q in this day and age anywhere is good place to have a laugh.

I`ll pop round with the embrocation.
I know what back pain is and when it is bad, I get very grumpy . I like the jokes on here because I don't like hopping all over the place.
Sometimes I enjoy a good laugh. Lord knows anymore I need one to lighten my day. But when I'm here, it feels like home, even if I don't answer all the questions (because sometimes I don't know what to say). But like I said, it 'feels like I'm home' and even at home sometimes, you hear a joke or two.
Hi Suzie,

I too have a destroyed back. ( can be very painful ) so I sympathize.

When you get older and many things start to "fall apart", laughter is a great way to try to " Forget your troubles come on get happy".

I have visited this site often and there is some serious dialog, but the smiles are very important too.

You won't be beaten up by me because I agree with you. I am a senior and like answering related questions. Yes, often the jokes are funny (especially those by Sylvia) but there are so many other topics that interest seniors and that can elicit fruitful answers. Watch this space - smile.
I do enjoy reading the jokes posted here. They give me a good chuckle and I enjoy sharing them with my parents who also need some good chuckles these days. There are also a good amount of very interesting/proper questions here. I think it's a good balance.
lighten up
I use the jokes to illustrate the question (or vice versa). My jokes all have a hidden meaning.......

The people on the J %26amp; R section dont 'get' jokes that make you think. I need the wise seniors to respond to them.

laughter is very good 4 U.
No beatings from me, but jokes and riddles thrown into the mix are fine....after all, we don't have to respond if we don't want occasional laugh never hurt anyone. Hell, half the questions and 3/4's the answers are funny there is little harm in this. WE see very few real deep questions here, and, regardless of how heavy the question, I always wonder if anyone takes the advice offered...probably not. Peace and love, Goldwing
Its me back again with all my front I think we get a good mix and I do like the jokes even if I have heard most of them before
I like the balance of good questions and a few jokes thrown in A laugh is good anytime
Nothing wrong with a little joke, just as long as it's not terribly offensive.
No beatings from me have the right to say your opinion and let others know how you feel......

I think there is a good balance......I usually leave 2 jokes a day, or started it yesterday......I do not do it to offend anyone.....more out of fun........but i also ask questions as well.....

Hope your back feels better......laughter is a good medicine......

Suzie Q, many of us on the site live with pain daily, we have built a fun Seniors Sect here. In here you are free to ask and answer all you want. We come across alot of depressing times. Myself, I have recently suffered the loss of two dear people. In these times you can count on these people for emotional support. At other times you can count on a good laugh. Please enjoy this site with us. Ask all the "serious" questions you like and we will pour our hearts out to you until you get the answer you need. Welcome, come in and enjoy the comrades in here:~)
We need a mixture on Seniors I think. There are times I need a laugh and it's nice to get that with the folks here I'm comfortable with. Actually nearly every question asked here could go in another category, as we're often reminded. Most of us want to share things or get responses from the folks in the 'senior' section though.

One good thing is we can chose to answer or not, any question, if it's something you don't like, skip it. You can ask proper questions and I'm sure folks will answer those too. As people we're not always going to like the same things or agree, that's part of what makes it so interesting here. Hope the back feels better soon, I know that can be very painful.
Why go to Jokes and riddles when you can have a laugh on here and some of us have a riddle as well if we don't get to the loo in time.
I hope everyone has reported Katetrinity as Yahoo guidelines and rules clearly state that NO ONE is going to take over Yahoo and be self appointed Yahoo cops - report her for violating these rules please

"If you see something that is personally offensive to you but does not violate the Yahoo! Answers Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, please do not report it. It閳ユ獨 also not OK to report someone because you disagree with that person閳ユ獨 opinion."

"Yahoo! Answers is built on a community of people sharing their knowledge and helping others. Read more about sharing your knowledge in our "How to Share" blog post.

Remember to treat each other with courtesy and respect. Courtesy helps foster a respectful and knowledgeable community, and that benefits everyone. Read more about keeping it nice in our "Be Courteous" blog post."

Seems to me she has violated a lot of rules on Yahoo, and posting senior jokes and riddles to a Senior Citizen Site is NOT a violation FYI Katetrinity. Just as posting a computer geek joke to a computer site is NOT a violation
I personally LOVE the jokes and riddles. I usually get on the computer in the morning with my coffee and start my day out with a laugh. I appreciate it, laughing first thing in the morning is like sunshine, it brightens my day
Laughter keeps old folks young. I think we all have our pet peeves. I like a variety. What bothers me is someone posting several questions in a row. What color are your eyes, what size are your feet kind of stuff.
The jokes make my day
There are evenings when I come on here and my day has

been the pits, and I read a funny story and fall outa my

chair. They list my spirits right

up. It's better than a pill.

especially go to:
laughter is the best if someone wants to post a joke or riddle so be it..I like this site as people seem to be able to post whatever they want..and most readers accept what they want, ignore what they don't want..and most of the time still remain friends..
I think everyone likes a good joke ni matter what their age. Laughter is a good thing!
Variety, Susie. Yes we have serious questions about life as a senior, dealing with family, medical quandries and laughter. When we have no imput we move on and when we are interested we engage in give and take. Join in, please. Skip what does not interest you.
I reported a joke for abuse. I have reported answers for saying, "no" "yes" %26amp; other one word answers on Yahoo answers, not just in the senior category.

I said this is not a chat room. It is not for jokes. We have other places for those items. This is strictly asking %26amp; answering. Sure, everyone needs a lift or smile. You go to the proper place to get that if needed.

I asked everyone to go back %26amp; read the Yahoo Answers Guidelines. That explains it better than I can. If the Guidelines are not followed this will end up being a site that is trash like most of them are.

People say they are not in this site to earn points. That is fine too. But don't ruin it by one word answers or unacceptable questions.

EDIT NOTE: SUSIE Q: HOW DO YOU get all the THUMBS UP for this question? I AGREE with you %26amp; I get all the THUMBS DOWN??

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